When I was in high school, we had to study about our government. These things included all the branches of our government’s family tree. We also studied our state and local governments.
When I studied them (admittedly against my will), I found out things that stirred admiration. When I saw what it cost my ancestors to found our nation, I began thinking differently about the country in which I live.
I also found in these studies things I did not admire and they often served as a warning to me. It made me aware of things I needed to learn to speak and/or vote against.
In New Testament times, people did not have a say in their government and it’s helpful to know more about the leaders because their influence affected many New Testament events.
In this download, you will find 9 political positions, and examples of who served in them. You will also receive a description of these positions and some historical significance to biblical events. After receiving these 9 positions, you will also receive blank sheets that you can fill in during a Bible class or study.
Susan Grant has been teaching children on multiage levels since 1986. Her first novel, The Bottle House was published in 2021. She has also published two devotion books, 100 Minutes with God and 100 More Minutes with God. The Boone Tails series are her debut children’s books following the adventures of a little red dachshund named Boone. Susan lives with her husband and little dachshund on the coast of Maine.
Can you truly be a dedicated Christian, with the faith that you will be in heaven and still be afraid of this passage from this world into the next? This study can help settle your faith and emotions.
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