The people of Exodus lived in a time of the greatness of the Egyptian world power. The people of God endured slavery; saw the greatness of God in the ten plagues; were pursued by Pharoah and rescued via the Red Sea. Because of poor choices, the Israelites spent many years wandering just shy of the Promised Land. These are the people this study will focus on.
In this document, you will find twenty people with information pertaining to their names, where you can find them in Exodus family members, livelihoods, and what they were known for. Many of these people are in the entire book of Exodus, so I only listed where they first appear. Following the filled in charts, I’ve included blank ones which can be used in this study.
Susan Grant has been teaching children on multiage levels since 1986. Her first novel, The Bottle House was published in 2021. She has also published two devotion books, 100 Minutes with God and 100 More Minutes with God. The Boone Tails series are her debut children’s books following the adventures of a little red dachshund named Boone. Susan lives with her husband and little dachshund on the coast of Maine.
Here is a creative way to introduce the 12 Disciples of Jesus in the New Testament. My “Who Were the 12 Disciples?” worksheets give you an introduction quiz, asking your class to name the disciples (with answers included).
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