
Everyday Worship

769) Sometimes we get the idea that the only way we can worship God is in our churches, prayers, and other Christian gatherings. Yet, I want to suggest to you we can also worship God in the everyday tasks. I have a friend who has repeatedly told me he considers his piano playing as worship.
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Worship in Difficulties

672) The events recorded in Exodus 17:8-16 are unusual and, as a child in Sunday school, I could not understand them. As long as Moses held up his hands, Joshua and his army were victorious over one of their enemies, the Amalekites. If Moses lowered them, Joshua’s army lost men and a foothold. I did
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Every is All

515)  One of the promises in God’s word is especially breathtaking.  Philippians 2:10 tells us every knee shall bow to God in the name of Jesus. Just in case you haven’t reflected on this in a while, every means all. It will be an awe-inspiring sight when everyone in Earth’s history bow down before God!
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An Act of Worship

335)  You don’t need to be at church to worship God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us that whatever we do: playing the piano, writing a poem, or caring for a baby are important examples. Choosing to use the gifts God gives us is an act of worship. Praise Him in all you do today!
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The Worship of Giving

316) God has given us so much. Don’t think so? Make an honest list. Talents? Abilities? Provisions for life?  These things alone tip the scale toward “plenty”. As God’s children, we are expected to use the things God has given us to serve him. In doing this, we participate in the worship of God. Luke
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