
Word Are Powerful

521) It is far easier to tear something down than to build it up. Yet, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 admonishes us to build up one another.  Words are powerful. Let’s make the choice to use what we say to encourage rather than destroy.
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Word’s Reflection

441)  If you shine a flashlight on something, you can see it because the light reflects off of it. Our words illuminate what’s inside us, reflecting to everyone our character. What are you reflecting? Matthew 12:34
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On Guard

429)  Proverbs 13:3 tells us that a wise person guards his or her lips. Our words can destroy someone and they may never recover from it. Wouldn’t it be better to think before we speak? It’s a habit that pays large dividends.
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Weigh Your Words

421)  1 Samuel 2:3 reminds us that God hears what we say and knows the motives behind them. This can be an encouraging thing but often it serves as a warning. Words are powerful. Will yours do good or cause damage?
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Easy Words, Hard Actions

368) Words cost us little; we can spew them out without thought. Actions are different. You can say, I love you, all you want but to show someone you love them requires action. If you say something but your actions contradict them, your words carry no value. Back up your words in what you do. 
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You Are What You Say

309) Words are powerful. Used properly, they can bring healing and encouragement. They can also shame and destroy. A person’s character is reflected in what he says. Maybe staying quiet more often is a good idea. Ps 37:30-31   #100minutes https://www.susan-grant.com
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