No Comparison

564)  Which would you rather experience: someone robbing, killing or destroying you OR Someone who gives you the good life, the way God created us to live? Satan tries to make darkness seem like light but it’s a trap. Only God gives eternal life, one that’s worth having! John 10:10
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The Truth, The Whole Truth

556) Sometimes when we ask people advice, we are really hoping to find an accomplice. We may want them to say what we want to hear. God does not answer us this way. He will always give us the truth, even if it’s hard to hear. The Truth, The Whole Truth. John 16:13
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True of False

483)  There are many today that believe that there are multiple ways to gain salvation.  Acts 4:12 says that this is not so. Think of an airport reporting there are multiple places to land a plane. What would the results be? Jesus said He is The way, The truth and The life. Salvation only through
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What is the Truth?

445)  Truth has been distorted these days. There are those who teach there is no absolute truth; that truth is whatever you think is true. This is not logical; two opposing statements cannot both be true. Jeremiah 10:10 tells us that God is the true God; not half-way God; not sort-of God; not my idea
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Soil is Important

389)  1 Timothy 1:5 tells of a love that is the ultimate goal for God’s children. This love is rooted in a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith. It’s important that these roots are supplied with nutritional soil & a balance of sun and water. Spend your energy supplying fertile soil instead
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A Liar Needs a Good Memory

388)  Many times, complications arise because of the lack of integrity. Just think of how much easier your life will flow if you decide to live by the truth. This choice truly sets you free. John 8:32
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Wholly, Wholly, Wholly

387) No matter what society says, there are not different forms of the truth. Either something is wholly true or wholly false. Jesus said He is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life. These much-desired things cannot be bought; they have already been paid for by Jesus. Reach out and take it! John 14:6
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Call It What You Want

299) Have you ever noticed we have some many words for lying? A fib, a white lie, an untruth, deceptive and more. The hard truth is, either something is all true or it’s false. Two opposing statements cannot both be true. Seek to live in truth. It will make your life better. I promise.  Colossians
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