Your Reputation Throws a Long Shadow

687) As a teacher of middle school kids, my students fluctuate between caring way too much about their reputations and not caring at all. As they grow older, many realize the value of having a trust-worthy reputation, sometimes the hard way. They will lament to me, “My parents will never trust me again.” This is
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When Trust is Difficult

670) When you trust someone, you have a calm within. This is because you know this person will keep his/her word; that they are dependable and they accept you for who you are–flaws included. When trust becomes difficult is when your circumstances put you in the center of chaos, exhaustion, doubt, and more. Trusting under
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The Surprise of Anything?

582) Genesis 18:12-15 describes how Sarah, Abraham’s wife, is told that she will have a son way after her child-bearing years. I think it would be easy to respond by laughing at this news as Sarah did. God’s messengers sternly reply, “Is anything impossible for God?”  If we think about the message of this event,
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Cross Your Heart or Your Fingers

581) We learn early in life that trust should be given out cautiously. This is a good thing in that it protects us from harm. Trust is something you give to someone who is trustworthy and the only way to know this is to get to know that “someone”. Knowing that person “crosses his/her heart”
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Peace Comes from Trust

577) Are there people in your life that you trust? If so, being around them is peaceful, even in difficulties, because you trust their judgment, commitment to you and more. Isaiah 26:3 tells us that if we trust that God is in control and has our good always on His mind, we can sit back
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The Need to Know

418)  Deuteronomy 29:29 tells us that God has revealed to us any information we need to know. Anything else, we must trust that He is in control. Thank God for what He has revealed and for what He hasn’t.
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Where I Will Show You

409) The life we live must be maneuvered with faith. God did not tell Abraham exactly where He wanted him to go. Instead He said, “To the place I will show you.” If you are honestly seeking God’s will, dare to take a step of faith, believing that God will show you the right direction. Genesis12:1
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Keep Your Word

352)  Some labels people place on us are not bad. If you are known to keep your word, it is a valuable trait. Keeping your word is a reflection of God and how He keeps His word. What are you reflecting? Trustworthiness or dishonesty? James 5:12
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I Promise!

349)  Psalm 91:15 tells us 4 things God promises if we call on him. He promises to answer us, be with us and deliver us from our troubles, and He honors us in doing these things. If these are true, why do we hesitate to bring everything to God? He cares for us and keeps
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Action Figure

292) Trust only comes as a result of knowing another. If you don’t really know someone, it’s prudent to reserve trust. God IS trust-worthy and the more you get to know Him, the easier it is to trust that He will act with your best in mind, constantly.  Psalm 37:5
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