
You Are What You Say

309) Words are powerful. Used properly, they can bring healing and encouragement. They can also shame and destroy. A person’s character is reflected in what he says. Maybe staying quiet more often is a good idea. Ps 37:30-31   #100minutes https://www.susan-grant.com
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A Tongue-Lashing

301) James asks us the consider the fact that we can use our tongue for good or for evil. If I’ve been tearing down someone with my words and then I’m thanking God for something else, it makes me question the sincerity of my praise. God wants us to choose our words carefully. James 3:9
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199) Do you want to destroy any seeds of faith others may have? All you have to do is use your words to gossip and tear down others. James 1:26 says this makes what we believe worthless. Who would want to join forces with someone who claims one thing but their words tell another story?
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What You Say Is What You Are

198) The words we say reflect who we are. This makes me feel uncomfortable when I think about the things I’ve said. Paul tells us to get rid of filthy language and use our words to build others up, not tear them down. Colossians 3:8 Ephesians 4:29
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