

646) I love to go for walks and where I live, I need to consider the fact that there are wild animals around. Very few of them can be dangerous, but one time on a walk, I encountered a black bear, eating blueberries. I remember it stood up and my heart skipped a few beats.
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Satan Believes in God

644) Satan doesn’t need faith when it comes to believing in God. James 2:19 tells us that he and his demons know there is a God and they are afraid of Him. At the same time, this belief is only an acknowledgment; he does not seek God’s forgiveness and a relationship with him. If all
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The Father of Lies

544) We are warned that Satan is a liar and he’s so good at what he does. He continually pitches us lies and it’s easy to swing the bat, buying into his words. He’s good at making sure his lies hold a little bit of truth. We need to be on guard against this day
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Playing Defense

537) God’s children have an enemy. Satan is not a being we need to casually dismiss. 1 Peter 5:8 compares Satan to a roaring, preparing for the fight to the death, lion. We need to be ready, continually, to play defense. Beware.
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Satan’s Limitations

435) In spite of what he thinks, Satan is limited in his actions by God Himself. Though Satan’s handiwork is evident in our world, God is in control. This fact is something to rejoice in when we are feeling insecure. Satan has limitations and will be eventually cast into the Lake of Fire. Job 1:12
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The Author of Fear

426) I fight many battles with fear daily. In fact, using the word, fight, is being optimistic. Perhaps it would help me to remember that Satan is the author of fear. We see this after Adam and Eve sinned. They hid because they were afraid. If God did not create it; reject it. 2 Timothy
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Two on One

403) Sometimes we make the mistake in thinking that we can combat Satan. If it were one on one, this wouldn’t work. God tells us that we should put on the whole armor He gives us. This alone makes it possible for us to resist the devil. It’s really two on one. Ephesians 6:11
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