
Your Reflection

826) There was a peanut and party shop near my grandparent’s house that I loved to go and visit. In addition to all the snacks, they had live monkeys in there that you could watch while the fragrance of popcorn filled the air. Another thing I enjoyed were the circus mirrors there. My grandfather would
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It’s No Joke

824) I must admit that I like many of the “old” sitcoms. Gilligan’s Island, The Andy Griffith Show, Leave it to Beaver and more. The humor these episodes use is different from the humor of many things in the media today. Many “jokes” are mean, at someone else’s expense, and/or course. To me, that’s just
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Iron Supplements

825) Being a member of the human race can be difficult. You never know how any encounter with others will go. There’re misunderstandings, misspoken words, not to mention jealousy, envy and more. If this is all there is as we interact with others, it would be understandable if we are tempted to withdraw from others.
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A Strange Dog’s Ears

823) I have always had a healthy (?) respect for dogs. If I see one, especially a dog larger than my dachshund, I am cautious about how I approach it or how I act when it approaches me. Why? Because I do not know if the dog is friendly. Proverbs 26:17 tells us that pulling
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His View

822) Sometimes it can seem like the “bad people” around us often get away with things, but when they don’t, how do you respond? I would be lying if I said that I don’t feel a certain satisfaction when someone who has treated me poorly gets knocked down a notch or two, but this isn’t
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Human Chameleons

821) I live in an area in our country that has a lot of wildlife. It’s amazing how many members of the animal kingdom have such wonderful camouflage. They show up in different habitats and change to suit the area. Chameleons, from a different part of our country, are another example of creatures that change
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Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be

Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be 820) Borrowing is addressed in the Bible. Once such example is in Proverbs 22:7, which plainly says that a borrower is a slave to the lender. Kind of a no-brainer, right? Well, I got to thinking about this and wonder could this also apply to our relationship with
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Role Play

819) Whenever we ask God for direction, strength or guidance, we always have a role to play. This role might include being faithful or grateful. Yet Proverbs 21:31 makes it clear to us that even though there are battles God will win for us, he expects us to “ready our horses” for battle. Often, our
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Gasoline is Expensive

818) We are living in times when gasoline is very expensive. What used to be a reasonable price at the pump is now much higher. While at the gas pumps recently, it came to me that there is another type of “gasoline” that is also very expensive. It is the substance of our response toward
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Modern Martyrs

817) There have been many throughout the ages who have been martyrs, those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in giving up their lives for what they believe. Many of Jesus’ closest followers were later put to death for their beliefs. Yet, when I think about this subject, I realize that not all martyrs are
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