
What’s God Waiting For?

648) From the day that God told Noah to build an ark until the flood arrived was 120 years. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt 430 years before God delivered them. Forty years passed until God brought His people into the Promised Land. It was thousands of years before Jesus was born and when will
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The Odd One Out

528) 2 Timothy 3:12 tells us that if we follow God, we will be persecuted. I have not had to endure the horrible things many Christian martyrs have through the years. For this I am thankful. I will say that there are times that my writing isn’t always taken seriously in the literary world that
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Christmas, Where Are You?

506) When I read the Narnia series as a child, I was fascinated. I loved it! Reading it as an adult did more for me than just entertain. Seeing how C.S. Lewis portrayed a sinful world prior to Jesus’ birth to an everlasting winter is appropriate. BUT, once the Lion of Judah came and died,
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Death Row

378) Imagine being on death row. You are guilty of murder and multiple other things. As your execution day approaches, someone who is guilty of none of these things offers to die in your place. Your cell is unlocked and you are free! This is the gift God has for you! Accept His gift.  Isaiah
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