
In the Arms of God

684) Most of us cannot remember clearly the feeling of being carried in our father’s arms. Maybe for some of you, it was your mother carrying you. What’s even harder to remember and face that no one carried you at all when you were small. When I’m out at the store, I’ll usually see a
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Who Needs a Guardian Angel?

657) People throughout history have been interested in angels. If you walk through many big box stores, you will find evidence of them in books, jewelry, and cards. Owners of these stores know angels sell merchandise because they fascinate people. Some Christians say there is evidence in the Bible that ‘guardian angels’ exist. It’s an
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Watch Tower

396) In ancient times, many cities were walled, some even double walled and towers were built to keep watch for the enemy. God is referred to as our Tower. He is constantly watching over us, protectively. We can trust that only what is for our good will be allowed to penetrate these walls.  Proverbs 18:10
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More Powerful Than God?

306) If we are God’s children, nothing comes our way unless He allows it for our good. Nothing. No ifs, ands or buts. God is our father, protector, encourager and warrior. No matter what it seems like, we are safe in God’s hands. Safety, through grace, by faith. Romans 8:31
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