No Shadows

Page 155 – The Bottle House “It’s interesting you speak of a shadow following you. We know, of course, that shadows are made by light.” Chaplain Miller stood up and moved over to one of his desk lamps. He removed the shade, then picked up the lamp by its base and moved around his desk
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Not “I Promise” but “I Will”

653) I’ve mentioned before that words and their meanings fascinate me. This may be a reason one specific word stands out to me in Genesis 17. In the New International Version of the Bible, “will” is used 31 times. As I read through this passage, I also notice that the word, “promise” is not used.
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Helping God?

652) In Genesis 16, many years had passed since God promised Abram that his descendants would be like the stars in the heavens but, in Sarai’s mind, God must have forgotten. So, Sarai decides to help God make this happen so she gives her servant, Hagar, to Abram to have a child on Sarai’s behalf.
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Keep Looking

642) One of the hardest facts of life a person must deal with is that difficulties are a part of living. Some difficulties are harder than others. It’s easy for this fact to side-swipe us because when it does, we may say to ourselves, why me? Sooner or later, everyone will walk down the path
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Expect the Unexpected

540) Life is full of surprises, and yet, some things are a surprise to us when they shouldn’t be.  2 Peter 3:10 tells us that Jesus is going to return to Earth and He will gather all of His people to be with Him. You can count on it. Expect the Unexpected.
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Taking Someone at Their Word

530) Titus 1:2 tells us that God “cannot lie” so, building upon this, I can take any of God’s words as truth. When God says He will make all things work together for our good, (Romans 8:28) when things don’t go the way we think they should, we can say, “Something better is coming.” Take
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The Fullness of Time

508)  Remember when you were a child, trying to go to sleep on Christmas Eve? That night seemed like a year. In thinking about time, we often have a different timeline than God does. He is never in a hurry if it means a better result later. God acts in “the fullness of time.” Galatians
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Just As He Said

465)  In the world we now live, it isn’t always prudent to take someone at their word. But when it comes to God, you can always count on Him keeping His word. In light of this, we shouldn’t be surprised when God does that very thing, just as he said. Matt. 28:5-6
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Hang On

457)  Zechariah 14:9 tells us that the Lord will be king of the earth one day. What will it be like to have a leader with perfect wisdom, understanding, justice and much more? In time, God’s children will experience all of these, forever. Hang on to this promise.
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Out of Balance Scale

456)  Life has a way of weighing the scales on the side of difficulties but Zechariah 9:12 tells us God will place so many blessing and goodness on the other side, that it will overtake the bad. Faith is leaning on this promise when bad happens
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