
The Little Things Matter

200) We have an opportunity to build trust in others by getting the little things right. When someone makes small things a priority, you can trust them with the large ones. God says the same things are true spiritually. The little things matter. Matthew 25:21
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Here Today and Gone Tomorrow

152) It’s interesting that many of us invest so much time into things that are temporary. If we could get into a habit of reminding ourselves of this, we might spend less time on those and more time on things that are eternal. I Peter 1:24-25
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Instant or Eternal Gratification

143)  Ask a teen, “Now or later?” They will often say, ‘now’. There is much pain in the world we live in but God promises to use it for our good, to develop perseverance. The desire for instant gratification often hinders our walk with God. Allow the pain of now to make you a better
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What Are You Looking At?

118)  It’s easy to focus on what’s right in front of us but this vision is timebound. It makes more sense to focus on the eternal; that which lasts. If we do this, it makes it easy to figure out what our priorities should be. Ask yourself, does this last?  2 Cor 4:17
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