In the Arms of God

684) Most of us cannot remember clearly the feeling of being carried in our father’s arms. Maybe for some of you, it was your mother carrying you. What’s even harder to remember and face that no one carried you at all when you were small. When I’m out at the store, I’ll usually see a
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Biting Circumstances

683) I heard someone say once, “No one ever gets away with anything.” and my first reaction was, “That’s not true.” Since then, I have been thinking about this and I’ve concluded that his statement is correct. These consequences may be in the form of a punishment, a breakdown in a relationship, hurt feelings, and
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Little by Little

674) Teenagers often have a different timetable than adults. Many want what they want and they want it now. Sometimes we hang onto this immediate demanding into adulthood and it makes trusting God difficult. As we pray, we may demand that God act upon our prayers immediately, but God may not do this. In Exodus
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Worship in Difficulties

672) The events recorded in Exodus 17:8-16 are unusual and, as a child in Sunday school, I could not understand them. As long as Moses held up his hands, Joshua and his army were victorious over one of their enemies, the Amalekites. If Moses lowered them, Joshua’s army lost men and a foothold. I did
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The Gift of Music

669) I have been fortunate to have had many years of work singing with a professional voice instructor who also is a Christian. When I watched him at work, the glow of worship and praise radiates from his face. Music/singing involves all of the senses and it is possible to sing using everything within you.
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God’s Navigation

668) What we see is far from all there is. I had a professor in college that told us that the human eye only sees 1/10 of 1% of what there is to see. For example, we do not see germs, cells, and oxygen. The human eye also cannot see the spirit world, such as
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Human Nature

666) One of the good things about life is that we cannot control other people and one of the difficult things of life is, we cannot control people. It’s easy to sit back and not worry about others when they are treating you well, but what about when they choose to treat you poorly? In
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Not Knowing

665) Have you ever considered what effect it would have on your life if you knew ahead of time what would happen in the years to come? Would knowing these things beforehand make your life easier or more difficult? (And for this question, no cheating in your musings–it’s you know everything or none, before it
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No Other Gods

664) The very first of the 10 Commandments says to have ‘no other gods before Me.” Considering this, I can sit back and say with confidence, I’ve got this one! This is arrogant thinking because any time I decide to break one of God’s statutes, I have put myself in God’s place. I’m saying, “I
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Taking the High Road Isn’t Easy

663) There are times in this life when circumstances, illness, stress, and strained family relationships become unbearable. It’s also possible these days for someone to choose to make a stand when the push of a society that does not run with God’s laws and principles. This taking of the high road sounds good , but
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Does God care about us?

Need Answers

This important question will be answered daily in a brief, practical reflection format on my blog page.


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