Forgiveness Defined

718) Forgiveness is hard to compartmentalize. Is it a feeling? Is it a noun? Is it a set of steps that must be climbed? See what I mean? If you are unclear about this, as I was several years ago, you may be unclear of what forgiveness is and what it involves. Forgiveness is the
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The Power of Mercy

708) I became acquainted with the word, mercy, from my grandmother. Being the dear Southern Lady, when it was hot out, she’d say, “Mercy! It’s hot!” She placed the accent on the word by heavily using it on the first syllable. I was much older before I knew that mercy is something of great worth
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Stones that are Silent

676) In our limited minds, it’s easy to pass judgment on anyone (including God) and on anything. I have wondered if we had the power to wipe someone off the face of the earth, would we do it and, if so, how many? I am often on the other extreme; I would let so many
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The Formula of Compassion

675) When I hear or read the word, compassion, it soothes my soul. It’s like my entire body has been tense–ready to run, fight or hide and then I hear compassion and I automatically relax my muscles. What is it about compassion that can cause this blessed reaction? It is in discovering the meaning of
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What is God Like?

610) As a Bible teacher, I was sometimes asked, “What is God like?” How do you answer this question simply? Guess what? You can’t but Micah 7:18 gives us some idea. The God of justice, Who draws the line in the sand and tells us, “Don’t cross it,” is the very God who pardons and
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Grace and Mercy

607) Grace and mercy are cousins. Grace is getting something (i.e. salvation) that we don’t deserve. Mercy is not getting something (i.e. punishment) that we do deserve. God is the ruler of both. In spite of what I do, think or say, God covers me in grace and mercy. Rejoice.  Lamentations 3:22
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Spiritual Court Judges

560) Our Supreme Court has a serious job. They must listen to all the facts with discernment and then, dole out a sentence if necessary. These judges have immersed themselves in the law, many for decades, and yet, I feel I am qualified to judge and sentence myself continually. James 2:13 tells me that mercy
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486) I have some good news for all of us. We are never too: broken, evil, helpless, judgmental, impatient, hypocritical and many, many more things that God will say, “Nope! I will not offer you salvation.” Never!  Acts 2:21
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What God Knows

480) When I was little, I remember thinking, “Why pray? God already knows what I’m thinking?” This is true and yet; God wants a relationship with us. The reason this can happen is because God has forgiven us, even as we don’t think about our bad daily choices. That is forgiveness.  Luke 23:34
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What is Mercy?

474)  Mercy is a gift we can give others. It is the decision to let someone who has wronged us off the hook. A wrong was done & no penalty is given. God is merciful with us so how can we not be with others? Luke 6:36 
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