The Responsibilities of Parents

691) I have taught multiple grades of children for three and a half decades. When people find this out, they often ask me how kids have changed throughout the years. A huge change is the kids being saturated in the digital world but this is far from what I notice the most. As each year
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On Guard

429)  Proverbs 13:3 tells us that a wise person guards his or her lips. Our words can destroy someone and they may never recover from it. Wouldn’t it be better to think before we speak? It’s a habit that pays large dividends.
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The Blessing of Silence

422)  I have had to apologize for things I have said but I rarely have had to for things I didn’t say. Words are sometimes better not to be spoken. Proverbs 10:19
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It’s Easier to Do It Yourself

413) Working with kids, it would be so much easier to do what I ask them to do myself. Doing this is cheating them out of growth, knowledge and more. God often chooses to let us do things ourselves for similar reasons. It’s hard to accept it when God steps back and lets us grow
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Need Strength?

400) Body building strengthens but events in life can destroy that quickly. In these times, we need God’s strength to get us through. This doesn’t mean the situation ends, it means we choose to depend on God for strength, whether we fight or need Him to fight for us. 1 Samuel 30:6
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The Fallacy of My Way

391) We all like to get our own way, but like children, we often don’t know what is good for us. When we ask God to do His will in our lives, we acknowledge that we’re better off in His hands. Isn’t it better to let someone that sees everything be in control or the
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386) A lot of times, our difficulties in life arise from the bad choices we make. Malachi 3:2 tells us the righteous receive healing. Righteous mean “right-ness.” Making God-centered choices will bring healing from our self-inflicted and others-inflicted wounds. Be healed.
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Feeling Blue?

385)  Through the years I have found that life goes through “seasons” emotionally. In a given day, you can be happy and/or blue. We all love the positive feelings but how can we navigate the negative? Psalm 119:50 tells us that focusing on God’s promises brings comfort. This enables us to take our focus off
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Dare to Stand Still

384)  It seems we’re too busy these days and with the conveniences we have to free up our time, we fill it with more things. God challenges us to stand still. It is when we do this, we can see more clearly what God is doing in your life. Dare to stand still. 1 Samuel
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Is God Good?

383)  Christians acknowledge that God is good and yet, we fail to understand that our understanding of good isn’t the same as God’s. God doesn’t sit up in heaven and say, How can I make your life difficult? Instead, He offers us abundant life and by faith, we trust that this life, though difficult at
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