
Scheduling Kindness

711) The phrase, “random acts of kindness” is well known. These actions may be as small as opening the door for someone whose hands are full or paying for a stranger’s coffee. Kindness is always a wonderful thing but it also might be good to be reminded that these actions don’t solely need to be
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Spiritual DNA

543) We are told in Genesis 1:26 that God created man in His image. Therefore, each person has this spiritual DNA. Whether a person acknowledges it or not, a little part of God is in everyone. This should be a good enough reason for all of us to weigh how we treat others.
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Rewards Worth Earning

373) It is hard to watch the news these days. Much includes anger and selfishness, and yet, doing what’s right, being kind and loving others, produces good things for them and ourselves. Some rewards cannot be seen with our eyes but God promises they do exist. Choose kindness. Proverbs 21:21
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The Importance of Encouragement

287) Encouragement is a powerful tool. It can make the difference between a productive and fulfilling life and one of isolation and depression. My challenge to you is not to evaluate how you may or may not have received encouragement but rather, how you can give it as a gift to others. Encouragement is priceless
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