
Stones that are Silent

676) In our limited minds, it’s easy to pass judgment on anyone (including God) and on anything. I have wondered if we had the power to wipe someone off the face of the earth, would we do it and, if so, how many? I am often on the other extreme; I would let so many
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A Confused Orange

611) What if an orange was convinced it was an apple. It could yell out “I’m an apple.” It can try to get in on the apple picking industry. It can take food coloring to try and change its peeling appearance. It doesn’t matter what it tries to do, it’s still an orange. Jesus spoke
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Spiritual Court Judges

560) Our Supreme Court has a serious job. They must listen to all the facts with discernment and then, dole out a sentence if necessary. These judges have immersed themselves in the law, many for decades, and yet, I feel I am qualified to judge and sentence myself continually. James 2:13 tells me that mercy
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How Bad Does It Have to Be?

546) Genesis 6:5 tells us that the wickedness of man was so far out of line that God needed to send the flood. The question this raises for myself is, how bad is it now? When is it so bad that God will call a halt again? If your finger is at all on the
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The Wrath of God

488)  In these trying times, it’s easy for some to say that God is taking His wrath out on the earth. True? Yes and no. Romans 1:18 tells us God’s wrath is against godlessness and wickedness. Interesting to note, this verse refers to the actions of people. Until the end, there is always time for
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Eternal Scales

285) We are told in the Bible that each one of us will appear before Christ and our deeds will be weighed. Were they good or bad? We would have no hope if Jesus hadn’t died and covered our bad deeds with His blood. His life for ours; a gift that cost Him everything.  2
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