
Foundations Matter

620) If a home is built on a faulty foundation, who would be interested in buying it? Yet, sometimes it’s hard to evaluate because it’s often hidden underneath the rest of the house. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus said that the wise build on a rock foundation and the unwise on the one made of sand.
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I Am a Murderer

619)I wonder if anyone has considered the fact that, according to Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:21-22, we’re all murderers. If we’ve ever thought or felt like killing someone, it is murder. We can murder someone when we’re angry at them, after all, what is the emotion behind murder? We can destroy peoples’ spirit with the
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They Sure Are Blessed!

618) It’s easy to think that those who have been given much on this earth are blessed. I think this can be true but sometimes we mistake wealth, power, knowledge and talent as God’s sign the He is rewarding such people. Again, this can be true but, Matthew 5:3-10 tells us specific things we can
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Now or Later

617) We now live in a culture that embraces the “right now” mentality. If you don’t immediately text, call or receive something you ordered, many get irritated or even angry. Much of what God instructs us to do have a greater outcome in the long run than in the short. Jesus said to give now
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Loving Is an Act of Worship

616) I remember the months before I was married. That feeling of joy was all-encompassing. I smile when I think about it because the love I have now for my husband is so much deeper. Love is thrown around a lot. It’s easy to make an event over a marriage proposal but not so easy
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A Confused Orange

611) What if an orange was convinced it was an apple. It could yell out “I’m an apple.” It can try to get in on the apple picking industry. It can take food coloring to try and change its peeling appearance. It doesn’t matter what it tries to do, it’s still an orange. Jesus spoke
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God Grieves

588) Some assume when they read or hear that God grieves, it’s because of the evil He sees on this earth. That is true but it’s also equally true that God sees and grieves over our specific miseries in this life. He is not a stoic bystander; He heard the cry of the Israelite slaves.
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Even the Little

569) John 6 tells us of a time where Jesus had a crowd of 5,000 with Him, listening to Him talk. It came time to eat and all the food that could be found were 5 loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus used the little a boy had to do a great thing. God
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Give Me Some Peace

563)  We are living in a time where chaos and confusion abounds. Watching the news can be overwhelming to our senses. It’s truly a blessing that God is the God of peace. Go to Him when you feel overwhelmed. Be at peace.  1 Corinthians 14:33
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The Combat Zone of Grace

558)  2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us that God’s grace is sufficient. Reading that, I think: OK. Got that! What I had not done is look up the Greek word used here for sufficient. It means to defend or ward off. What I understand this to mean is that if I live under God’s grace, this
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