
Beyond Our Imagination

493)  Have you ever tried to imagine what heaven will be like? 1 Corinthians 2:9 tells us that we are not even close to how heaven will really be. It is beyond our imagination. This gives us courage and hope.
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Prayer is Difficult

329)  I have always found prayer difficult. It’s so important to me to read my listener’s face, hear their tone of voice and sense more watching their body language. This is why our prayers are an act of faith. This limited communication will end someday and then we’ll see God face to face. Revelation 22:4-5
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The Way Things Will Be

160) It’s hard to imagine life where there is no bad, evil, pain, tears and death but it’s coming for those who are washed in the blood of the lamb. Think of the best things of our lives and multiply it by infinity; that and more is what the next life with God offers. Have
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