Different Kinds of Strengths

Page 156-157 – The Bottle House “Strength comes in different forms, Stefan,” Chaplain Miller said gently. “As you know, there is physical strength. Having the power to put one foot in front of the other sometimes requires more strength than a football player needs on the field.” Chaplain Miller paused a moment to let his
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Saying Grace

798) Grace is a hard thing for us to understand. Its platform is straight-forward. Grace is giving or saying something good to another who deserves judgment. It is not overlooking something another has done wrong. “Well, if I do this, they’ll never change; they will keep treating me this way.” Grace is simply not carrying
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An Irresponsible, Cheating, Conspiring Murderer

712) When you see someone else make horrible, and even evil decisions, it’s easy to think, I’ll never do that! History testifies that making the choices such as being irresponsible, a cheater, a conspirator and/or murderer are only one step in the wrong direction away. The problem with these decisions is that they rarely start
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Laws We Cannot Keep

673) Life is often difficult. We may have demands placed on us we know immediately we cannot meet. What if those in authority over us gave these demands and informed us that the repercussions of not meeting them are death? Our response might be to rebel, to ignore, to hide or to confront the one
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Admitting We are Wrong

661) Admitting I am wrong is sometimes a struggle. It’s not because I don’t want to “own” the poor judgment, word or action; it’s because I’m afraid that if I bring to others’ attention my error, then they would have nothing to do with me. This is because deep down, I can sometimes think there
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Not “I Promise” but “I Will”

653) I’ve mentioned before that words and their meanings fascinate me. This may be a reason one specific word stands out to me in Genesis 17. In the New International Version of the Bible, “will” is used 31 times. As I read through this passage, I also notice that the word, “promise” is not used.
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Grace and the Law

650) Some avoid reading the Old Testament because they think that it is full of “the laws” that God gave His people. While this is true, we see from the very beginning of Genesis that God gave grace to individuals who broke the law. Adam and Eve were given proper clothes, a lesson in sacrifice
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Grace is Better

633) In a lot of ways, rules work for me. I know or am taught what the rules are and I do my best to keep them and this allows me to measure how well I am living for God. The best Biblical example of these rules are the 10 Commandments. The problem with this
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Grace and Mercy

607) Grace and mercy are cousins. Grace is getting something (i.e. salvation) that we don’t deserve. Mercy is not getting something (i.e. punishment) that we do deserve. God is the ruler of both. In spite of what I do, think or say, God covers me in grace and mercy. Rejoice.  Lamentations 3:22
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The Bondage of the Law

572) Many from my generation (middle aged) grew up under ‘The Law’. We were given a list of things that we could not do and if we failed, we were punished. Though rules are necessary, some of us tend to gauge our spiritual life by how well we keep God’s rules. Yet, the New Testament
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