Which are You? A Murderer or Healer?

2010) We are both murderers and healers. Why do I say this? Because of Proverbs 18:21.   In this verse, we are reminded that the words we say can bring death to others (and ourselves). The word death can be translated to “separation”. Our words can separate us from others. They can separate the ones
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Using Gifts

2009) I arrive at school very early. I am much more alive and awake in the morning, but in the afternoons, not so much.   There are rarely any other staff members at school when I arrive other than a custodian and lunchroom supervisor and cook. About an hour after I arrive, there is another
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God is Working

2008) If I take a look at what Jewish people have had to endure throughout history, I shake my head. From Bible times, to World War 2, to modern history, it’s mindboggling. Yet, the Jewish people aren’t the only ones who have been oppressed. The list is deep.   Why has God allowed this oppression?
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What Prayer Brings

2007) I have dedicated myself to spending more time in prayer. I wish I could say I did it to nurture a better relationship with God. Yes, it’s part of it, but I found I was continuing to have bad attitudes about specific people and circumstances, so a deeper prayer life has resulted.   What
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Green Pastures

2006) I was studying the 23rd Psalm recently and two familiar words caught my attention: green pastures. Where I live in coastal Maine, we have a short window when we see green pastures. In fact, in winter, you can even have a difficult time picturing it in your head.   As I contemplated these two
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Three Important Words

2005) There are times in this life when the unspeakable happens. It can feel like the rug has been pulled out from under your feet and you become angry at the fact that so much effort is needed to get back up.   Why did this have to happen? What do I do now? What
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Swords or Balm

2004) I often think I should have become an etymologist because I have always been fascinated by words and what they mean. From a young age, I can remember listening to songs and focusing on what was being said. This fascination has paid off in my teaching and writing career.   With this craving to
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Who is the Enemy?

2003) We read in multiple places in the book of Psalms that the Psalmists’ enemies are nearby or defeating God’s people. Psalm 35, 59, and 143, for example.   When I read of these foes, it’s easy to assume we don’t have enemies lurking like they did in those days but is this true?  
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Indifference Examined

2002) This world we live in is full of joy and wonder. It’s in times like this when our hearts rejoice. We take our cameras out to capture the moment. But there are also times when we struggle. No, that’s not the word I want because struggle can imply the situation is just irritating. I
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Putting Words in My Mouth

2001) Recently I said something and within hours, someone else took what I said and added to it things I didn’t even think of when I spoke. When I realized this happened, it hurt and made me angry because now I was being accused of saying something I didn’t.   How often have we done
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