
Is “Judge” a Bad Word?

1985) When you hear the word, judge, what is your first reaction? For me, it means someone who is waiting in the wings, ready to pounce on me the minute I do something wrong. Is this an accurate description of God as our judge? Many people believe it is.   Ecclesiastes 12:14 tells us God
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Help! I Need Somebody

1984) One of my young scholars came to me recently and asked if she could see me during her recess time. I told her, of course.   When she came, a friend came with her. As they sat down side-by-side, the first girl said the friend came with her for support and she went on
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A Short Word

1983) If you’re like me, you have the unfortunate habit of looking back on your day and seeing what you screwed up rather than what you did that was productive. We can also do these same things when we reflect on what we saw others do and say.   The problem is our conclusions don’t
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The Value of Testing

1982) Through my almost four decades of teaching, some of my young scholars have attempted to cheat on tests. I say some because I’m sure I didn’t catch every time this happened.   My students are sometimes anxious when testing time comes. They fear the results of the test, confirming to some they are falling
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The Nature of Sheep

1981) As I scroll my social media newsfeeds, I see many cartoons about the nature of dogs. The cartoons I read are funny because the artist has tapped into the behavior of these four-legged creatures.   At my house, my little bundle of red energy will always go to the same spot where I spilled
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1980) There are some things in life that are so over-whelming the human mind and heart cannot deal with. I don’t need to make a list of such things as I know all of us have been there (or will be eventually).   When we see others in this space, our reactions aren’t always helpful.
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Give What You Don’t Have?

1979) I read an excellent article about human behavior that  stuck with me. It was about difficult relationships between parents and their adult kids. The psychologist described a woman who was “stuck” emotionally because her father didn’t give her what she needed psychologically in her growing-up years. I can’t remember the example the doctor pointed
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1978) There are many things about teaching I’ve learned through the years. One is I’ve learned the value of spelling out choices to my young scholars, so the “ball” is in their court.   An example of this is, you can choose to do the work now, like I’ve asked you or you can do
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1977) It may have been a while since any of you have written a resume. As an author, I have to do this regularly to go on books, articles, interviews, etc. A resume is supposed to represent your experience, gifts and track record. When I hire people to work for me, (editors, illustrators, promoters, designers
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1976) Take a moment and think back through your life. Can you remember any occasion when someone said something to you and the rest of the day, week, month, year, or your life changed, in a profound way, good or bad?   I ask this question because it’s helpful to remember the power of words.
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