Honest Healing

Page 155 – The Bottle House Stefan drew his eyes away from the (sky-blue) bottle and focused on Chaplain Miller, opening his mouth to respond with a quick answer. No, better not say what first came to mind. “Go ahead, tell me what you think.” Chaplain Miller leaned forward across his desk and grinned. “Honesty
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Forgiveness Defined

718) Forgiveness is hard to compartmentalize. Is it a feeling? Is it a noun? Is it a set of steps that must be climbed? See what I mean? If you are unclear about this, as I was several years ago, you may be unclear of what forgiveness is and what it involves. Forgiveness is the
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Big Messes and Little Messes

677) Much of the book of Exodus is about God giving Moses, and sometimes Aaron, instructions on building the Tabernacle. In the book of Leviticus, different sacrifices are described and instructions given by God to these two leaders. After reading several chapters, you can see that God is interested in forgiving the big messes we
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Stones that are Silent

676) In our limited minds, it’s easy to pass judgment on anyone (including God) and on anything. I have wondered if we had the power to wipe someone off the face of the earth, would we do it and, if so, how many? I am often on the other extreme; I would let so many
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The Formula of Compassion

675) When I hear or read the word, compassion, it soothes my soul. It’s like my entire body has been tense–ready to run, fight or hide and then I hear compassion and I automatically relax my muscles. What is it about compassion that can cause this blessed reaction? It is in discovering the meaning of
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Unconditional Forgiveness

605) There have been times in my life when someone asks my forgiveness (or vice-versa) but there is this underlying feeling that there is forgiveness but it is not forgotten. Perhaps for this life, it may be prudent but God does not forgive this way. When we ask Him to forgive something, He does and
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Forgive Us Our Trespasses As . . .

542) I can remember reciting the Lord’s Prayer in church services for years but there was one line that concerned me. It was the “forgive us our trespasses as we have forgiven others.” I thought that this was a good reason to make sure I have forgiven and made things right with others. Easier said
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The Struggle of Grace

539) The concept of grace is something I personally struggle with. It’s hard for me to imagine a God, Who knows everything about me. still accepts me. If God gives me such grace, why can’t I give myself grace, too? Maybe that’s why 2 Peter 3:18 says we must grow in grace. It doesn’t come
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The Odd One Out

528) 2 Timothy 3:12 tells us that if we follow God, we will be persecuted. I have not had to endure the horrible things many Christian martyrs have through the years. For this I am thankful. I will say that there are times that my writing isn’t always taken seriously in the literary world that
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Rejoice or Tremble

500) There will be a day when all people of Earth’s history will stand before God. He will weigh all of our actions and inactions and see if we measure up to His holiness. This would be a terrifying thought if I wasn’t assured that God’s children have already been wiped clean with Jesus’ blood.
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