
The Bondage of Fear

680) I have battled fear my entire life. I wish I could say that it was solely because of spiders or snakes but, honestly, very few of my fears are of this nature. Because of this, I have sometimes chosen the “known,” even when it’s not the best or even terrible circumstances, over the “unknown.”
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Not Knowing

665) Have you ever considered what effect it would have on your life if you knew ahead of time what would happen in the years to come? Would knowing these things beforehand make your life easier or more difficult? (And for this question, no cheating in your musings–it’s you know everything or none, before it
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Fear Examined

651) In Genesis 12:10-20, we see a side of Abram that is not revealed earlier. In the chapter, he and his family travel to Egypt because of a famine and therefore, he decides that because he had a beautiful wife, then his life was in danger there. In his irrational fear, and I use the
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The Author of Fear

426) I fight many battles with fear daily. In fact, using the word, fight, is being optimistic. Perhaps it would help me to remember that Satan is the author of fear. We see this after Adam and Eve sinned. They hid because they were afraid. If God did not create it; reject it. 2 Timothy
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Who’s Afraid?

394)  1 John 4:18 tells us that fear is rooted in anticipated punishment. We somehow believe that the situation is a direct result of something one has done wrong. The good news is with God’s forgiveness, there is no need to fear; the punishment is paid.
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An Invitation for Battle

174) I battle fear on a regular basis and have rarely won. It’s because my strategy has been wrong. I can battle fear successfully because I have asked the strongest Warrior to fight. You can defeat fear when you invite this Warrior into your battle. Send up an invitation. Psalm 34:4
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Help Wanted

164)  Worried about your family or your health? “I will help you.” Worried about money, weather or anything you can’t control? “I will help you.” Don’t worry; don’t fear! God WILL help you. Ask Him! Isaiah 41:13 
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