
Provision’s Packages

727) It’s easy to accept that God promises to take care of the needs of His children, but what can be harder is accepting the way God may choose to provide. Yes, we need shelter, but perhaps this means a house that has black countertops, no air conditioning in the deep South, not enough room
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Our Difficulties Have Multiple Purposes

693) There are so many things people say when you are going through tough times. “You will grow stronger because of it.” “You’ve got this.” “The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.” These aren’t bad things to hear, but God often has more in mind when we face difficulties. In Judges
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682) Our memory is a funny thing. Sometimes we can remember things so vividly that we can see them in our heads, feeling and even smelling some of them as if they just happened. At other times, we have no memory of events that others who were involved distinctly remember. And finally, sometimes we need
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The Bondage of Fear

680) I have battled fear my entire life. I wish I could say that it was solely because of spiders or snakes but, honestly, very few of my fears are of this nature. Because of this, I have sometimes chosen the “known,” even when it’s not the best or even terrible circumstances, over the “unknown.”
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The Value of Reviewing History

600) Sometimes, when I get discouraged, I take the time and review my history, specifically concerning what the Lord has done for me. In Nehemiah 9 we see this example. He records, in part: creation (vs. 6): blessing of His people (vs. 7-8);  freeing the Israelites from the slavery of Egypt (vs. 9-12); giving rules
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God Does Not Change

408) Consistency as a parent or a leader is vital. God knows this, therefore we do not have to worry about how He will act or react.  He will always love, always forgive, always discern, always protect. God does not change. Malachi 3:6
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Eye Witnesses

402) How could the children of Israel doubt God’s word after seeing their deliverance from Egypt? How can we also doubt God, when we see and recognize all He has done for us? We are eye witnesses of God’s faithfulness. Stand on this by faith, that the same God Who delivered in the past will
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