
We Are Living Books

662) It’s easy for us to be overly concerned with our words and actions. This is an important thing. But sometimes we can forget that our day-to-day words and actions speak loudly. I read somewhere years ago that you may be the only Bible some people read. Genesis 47 illustrates this when Joseph goes to
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What Do You Harvest?

638) If you were a farmer and you planted seeds to grow wheat, what would you do if you grew thistles instead? You most likely will destroy them because you know two things. The thistles are useless to you and there is a good possibility that these weeds will reproduce and infect your other fields
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Hide or Seek?

495) Often people try to hide what they deem as unfavorable traits including motives. If we decide to be an “open book” about our lives, others will have more of a chance to see what our motives are. Why is this good? It gives us credibility, especially in spiritual things.  2 Corinthians 1:12
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The Perfect Example

295) God allows rain for the just and unjust and gives everyone sunshine. This is what grace is. He gives all of us good things we don’t deserve. He loves you! He is the perfect example of grace. Mark 5:45
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The Antidote to Coarseness

290) The words we say are a part of the pattern we have adopted. If you wish to eliminate coarseness, spend your time being thankful. You’ll never run out of things to be thankful for. Problem Solved.  Ephesians 5:4
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