
In a Little While

647) Remember as a child when Christmas Eve seemed like a week while waiting for the morning? Time seemed so slow. Aging has made time pass quickly but God has told us again and again that this life is but a “blip” on the eternity timeline. This is hard for our human minds to grasp.
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Imagination: Friend or Foe?

634) I have been gifted with a great imagination. Ideas for stories, lesson planning and entertainment often come easily to me. There are drawbacks for this gift, too. When I am afraid of something, my imagination makes it worse. It isn’t hard for me to “see” right away the bad in situations. Fortunately, God works
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A Love that Endures

604) Think of the loving relationships you have had during your life. Some of them have endured through the connection of family and others glowed for a while. The love that God gives us surpasses all of the loves we have known. Jeremiah 31:3 tells us that God’s love is everlasting. In spite of knowing
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The Root of All Evil

524)  One of the most commonly misquoted verses in the Bible is 1 Timothy 6:10. It does not say that money is the root of all evil, rather the love of money is. There is nothing that money can buy that has an eternal value to it. Money is only needed in this life so
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Treasure Hunt

477)  You can tell a lot about someone by noticing what they value. These things illustrate what people think are important. Jesus warns again making priorities of things that do not last – such as property or prestige, Wouldn’t it be better to focus on the eternal, instead? Luke 12:34
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Temporary Troubles

303) As much as we would like them to stay away, difficulties are part of this life. Some of these troubles are harder to deal with than others. The good news is, God is more powerful than any trouble we may encounter. This doesn’t mean they will go away in this life but God will
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What Are You Teaching?

272)  We all know that things we learn as a child stay with us for a lifetime. It is an important truth for us to remember. The question comes down to, what are you teaching? Is it made up of shackles that enslave or an open door offering eternal nurturing and instruction? Proverbs 22:6
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