When It’s Ready

1454) I’m a pretty good cook; at least that’s what my husband and dinner guests have said. BUT, for some reason, which makes no sense to me, I cannot make good brownies. I know! You would think this would be a breeze. Oh, well…I can make other things instead. As I think about cooking and
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He Sees and Knows

1448) The internet, smartphones and more bring so much information to us. It’s easy for an hour to be sucked up by reading newsfeeds, playing games and shopping. Having access to these things can overwhelm your heart, too. When I see the violence, bickering, cheating, obnoxious, conceited words and actions of people who hide behind
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#1 Priority

1446) What would it mean to you for someone you look up to and respect to sit down with you and say, “Tell me what’s going on in your life? I’ve blocked out the entire afternoon, just for you.”? I have had this happen once and when I saw this person’s face, full of caring
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A Package Deal

1444) Occasionally, I’ll read a book which has the line, “There’s no hope of recovery.” It catches my attention because I’m not sure anyone in any profession would say these words to someone who is teetering on the edge of disaster or despair, even if these words might be true. This despicable statement makes me
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Subtle Idolatry

1443) Have you ever considered that we are all idolaters? What? I have never made an idol, have you? Yes, we can make physical idols or place other people into the position of God in our lives, but how about when we do it the other way? What about when we make God be and
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Feelings Can Lie

1442) Part of the wonderful human experience is our ability to have feelings. Think of brand-new love and the emotions it stirs. Remember that feeling you had when you were young and in trouble? What about the feeling that adrenalin stirs up? These typically visit each of us, but have you considered that feelings can
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How to Treat Suffering

1433) Like most people, there have been times in my life when the pain and suffering in my heart has knocked me flat on my back. I go to sleep crying and wake up with tears. Suffering is a pain that is not easily dealt with, but Psalm 119:50 gives us a treatment plan. We
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Who is Jesus?

1432) People have asked Christians who Jesus is. How do you adequately answer this? Authors have written numerous books on this subject, but sometimes less is better. Jesus tells us exactly who he is in John 14:6. I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but by me.
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And Justice for All

1431) Growing up, my schools would always recite the American Flag salute and we still do in the school where I teach. Do you remember it? What are the last four words? And justice for all. We are fortunate to live in a country that endorsees justice, so much so that we include it in
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When I Call God a Liar

1426) I would not like to be a store-owner right now. Anyone who listens to the news or reads current events on their newsfeeds knows there is an ongoing surge of shoplifting and robberies. Even the biggest store chains are having to close up shop in some locations because they are losing so much money.
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