
Clinging for Dear Life

417)  When little, my sister jumped into the deep end of the pool when my father wasn’t looking. When he saved her, she clung to him because her life depended on him. This is a picture of what we are encouraged to do with God. He wants us to cling to Him. Rest in this
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What Is Your Source?

356)  We plug in a lamp because it depends on electricity to work properly. Without electricity, it is useless. The same is true for God’s people. Why do we think we can power ourselves to do God’s work? It would be as ineffective as a lamp believing it can produce light without electricity. Ask God
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Who Do You Depend On?

262)  Depending on people to meet our needs instead of God is setting ourselves up for disappointment and grief. We, as humans, fail others. We move away, we drop the ball, we get irritated and we die. God does none of these things. It makes sense to depend on God. Romans 8:6 
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