What Does Light Produce? Truth.

1084) Have you noticed the definition of truth has evolved significantly from meaning, what is “accurate; a reality” to “a fact that is accepted as true.” If you make a stand on “truth,” you often get accused of not being tolerant. The problem with this is fundamental; two opposing facts cannot both be true. A
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What Does Light Produce? Righteousness.

1083) The local courts have assigned me jury duty four times; two of which I was chosen for the panel to consider two separate crimes. One of them involved a man who was arrested for attempted kidnapping. He said that since the gun he had on the seat was a toy one; he was not
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What Does Light Produce? Goodness.

1082) Are people naturally good? We hear and see many amazing things people do or have done for others; especially for strangers and I think this is important to note them. However, the Biblical answer to this question is, no, people are not naturally good but can do good things. Saying people are not basically
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Afraid of the Dark?

1081) Darkness, on many levels, is a scary place to be. Sometimes it’s somewhere in the absence of light; you can “see” things that are not necessarily there. At other times, being in a dark place can be an emotional experience; nothing feels good and depression fills your being. Spiritually, darkness represents the lack of
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Who’s Your Partner? Thanksgiving?

1080) Some years, in my language arts classroom, I assign a poetry anthology. At first, the kids scoff at the idea, but when they see different ways to express their thoughts, they usually pick up the ball and start rolling. One poem I assign is called a circle poem. They start with one word, then
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Who’s Your Partner? Coarseness

1079) My students just amaze me in so many ways. The things they’ll say, write, or do, good and bad, will often blow my mind. Sometimes they are a harsh reminder that I am no longer young! Sigh. A good example of this is when we occasionally play limbo. When I watch kids literally look
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Who’s Your Partner? Foolish Talk?

1078) For a few years, I had my 6th grade write, produce, create, record and perform a puppet production. This event was a big deal because we worked all year on it. When we would begin the project, I always suggested that we take a fairy tale or fable and rewrite it and one year
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Who’s Your Partner? Obscenity?

1077) My husband and I sometimes will watch old TV shows because we have a fondness for the simpler life many of the early black and white shows portrayed. One thing we laugh at is when we see the husband and wife sleeping in single beds; after all, censorship forbade showing a man and woman
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Who’s Your Partner? Greed?

1076) my principal believes that I am a good person to assign recess duty, and she’s right. I can see what’s going on over a wide area and can deal with problems with the kids effectively. One of the things I sometimes see on the playground are groups of kids forming impromptu games. I’m always
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Who’s Your Partner? Impurity?

1075) Once upon a time, my husband was moving a sawhorse and got a nasty splinter in his thumb. He did his best to get it out and afterward, we both forgot about it. A few days later, he came to me and showed me his thumb. It was red and swollen, so I set
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