Sword Fight

1094) Weapons and U.S. citizens’ rights are in the news frequently. The debate is often more about whether weapons make volatile situations better or worse than working on the problem of crime itself. When the dust of this controversy settles, when weapons are needed, if you don’t know how to use them, they can be
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Helmets are Important

1093) I did so many stupid things when I was a kid. One of them involved taking my bicycle and jumping ramps that were made of flimsy pieces of plywood propped up on a couple of bricks. What could go wrong? On top of that, I never wore a helmet as many kids do today.
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1092) I have been reading through the books of Corrie Ten Boom this summer and have been blessed in so many ways. If you haven’t read her work, I would encourage you to do so. She was blessed with the ability, often because of her suffering, to effectively address important things in life and one
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Feet Conditons

1091) When my siblings and I were young, my parents would not allow us to run barefooted outside until we got home from the last day of school. I can distinctly remember the soft feel of grass under my feet after I took off my shoes outside on this grand day. Depending on where you
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The Most Important is Vulnerable

1090) I know little about military strategies, but I have a logical mind. I understand that things, areas, and people who are or have the most power are vulnerable. If you have an enemy, on any level, and they are intelligent, they’ll look at attacking you in these areas. In places that use hand-to-hand combat,
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The Truth with Set You Free

1089) Working for almost four decades with children and parents, I have seen some consistent patterns even though the world has changed, therefore, how people act and react have too. One thing I have noticed when I’m speaking with parents about a problem with their child is the frequency of some saying, “but my child
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On Your Armor or Gods?

1088) I am a disaster thinker. What do I mean by this? I think about what’s coming next in my life, whether it be that day or in the weeks, months and years ahead, and imagine what horrible things can come with it. I do this (often without realizing it, at first) because in my
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The Power of Music

1087) Music has always been important to me, so much so that I use a lot of it at school. Every week in my language arts classroom, I pick out 4 songs in a wide range of genres. The students listen to them while following along with the lyrics and we discuss them afterwards. This
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Opportunities or Overextending?

1086) Some of the most precious gifts I have received were from people who made themselves available to me for various things. I have been given listening ears, encouraging words, professional advice (in direct reference to my involvement in the arts and in teaching), music lessons, and just plain fun (and these are only some
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Secrets Can Be Heavy

1085) Secrets in childhood many times involved plans you made, feelings you had or surprises for loved-ones but as you grew older, secrets took on a more sinister mantle. I’ve read before, “those who hide nothing have nothing to hide,” and I think this makes sense. Do I think we ought to air all our
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