
Do You Need that Extended Warranty?

1052) There is a routine that is frequently encountered when making specific purchases and is presented to you as a question. When buying most electronics, we are asked if we want to pay for an extended warranty. I will usually answer, No, thank you. What does this “extension” give the one who purchases it? It
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Gifts from God: Understanding

1051) Have you ever wished you could know things you do now back when you were younger? Think of the things you valued when 16 versus what you value now. Age is supposed to bring us insight. There are things you now know you could only know because of life experience. Insight is a valuable
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Gifts from God: Wisdom

1050) As a kid, I enjoyed watching the show, Leave it to Beaver. I even watch it from time to time now, too. Beaver was a character who was believable; he would often say funny things that were so typical of kids. There was another character in that show I didn’t like and he was
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God’s Gifts: Redemption

1048) In Maine, our bottles have a deposit on them. You pay this deposit when you purchase the beverage and you get that fee back when you return the empties. It’s sort of like the drink companies loan us the containers for a small fee and we get that back if we return them. But
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The Law of the Seed Revisited

1047) I’ve never been interested in planting a garden and, especially, maintaining it. Those who do this have my admiration because I have been told it is time-consuming and non-stop until the season of growing is over. My grandfather loved to show me what he planted and grew, so I know planting and reaping has
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God’s Fruit: Self-Control

1046) Control is something we think a lot about, maybe without even realizing it. Whenever we expect something we don’t like and work to avoid it or whenever we attempt to make someone treat us better, we are seeking control. The thought is often, If I can control it, then I can avoid….. The problem
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God’s Fruit: Gentleness

1045) I can’t say exactly when it happened in my career, but as a teacher from “the old school,” meaning, running a classroom with rigid rules and the expectation my students would adhere to it, I discovered these expectations weren’t working. Yes, I am in charge. Yes, the students have a standard to meet, but
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God’s Fruit: Faithfulness

1044) Have you ever bothered to read the guarantee/warranty paperwork you receive with products? I have because I’ve considered a few writing jobs that involved writing product copy (i.e. those booklets that many of us just glance at the pictures and hope we can figure out how to use whatever it is.) These tell you
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God’s Fruit: Goodness

1043) The Greek word for goodness is agathosune which is only used four times in the New Testament and was not used in secular Greek. This word focuses on doing and/or producing things that are good. I’m sure that many people would want their words and actions to produce good, but where it becomes “sticky”
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God’s Fruit: Kindness

1042) My opinion of “mankind” is shaky. Why? Because in my reading and observing, I can see the best in people and the worst. I see people ooze with road rage and I’ve seen people be gracious drivers. I’ve seen people trample over others trying to get the best deals on Black Friday and I’ve
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