I’m Gonna Tell

878) If you grew up with siblings or around kids in the neighborhood, I’m sure you heard the words, “I’m gonna tell” many times. What did this message mean? It meant that someone saw something you did wrong, and they were eager to report you to your parents or whoever was in charge at the
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A Lamp’s Purpose

877) Here in Maine, it gets dark early in the winter. The first winter I lived here, I could not believe how many hours of darkness there are. So, what do you do in the winter in Maine? You keep some lights on in the house. If not, it can get rather gloomy. Jesus tells
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The Poll of Public Opinion

876) There is always an abundance of people that would love to see you go down; especially if you have some kind of political or religious footprint. How do you handle this? If we check out Mark 3:1-6, we see the example of how Jesus handled it. There were people looking for an excuse to
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Cause and Effect

875) What we do affects others. I don’t think there is anyone who would seriously disagree with that. An example of this is found in Mark 1:40-45. A man with leprosy came to Jesus, hoping He would heal him. Jesus did, but instructed the man not to go public with this miracle. Unfortunately, the man
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Believing is Not Receiving

874) Just because you believe in something doesn’t make it true. I know someone who is convinced that the world is flat, and this person is what I would say, intelligent (in most things). He believes it even though it’s not true. There’s another point to make about believing things. Saying you believe in something
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Where They Are

873) I have been given the gift of teaching and have done so for going on 36 years. One of many things I’ve learned when working with middle and high school kids is you must meet them where they are. You don’t walk in a classroom and say, this is how I am; this is
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A Long Memory

871) I remember reading somewhere years ago that husbands need to keep in mind that wives have long memories. Yes, I remember where we were, what we were wearing and what the weather was like the day my now-husband asked me to marry him. This alone blows his mind. All he remembers is where we
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Go To the Source

870) When someone has ticked us off or wronged us, it’s easy to vent to others, declaring how wrongly we’ve been treated. Most of us like it when we have someone stand beside us and assure us that this thing shouldn’t have happened. In Matthew 18:15-20, Jesus describes a better way to handle the wrongs
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High Approval Rate

868) We place value or approval on people for multiple reasons. We might attribute value on people in our family; on people in our church; or on people at work. We may value the ones who are committed to living their lives with morals and biblical standards. But, what about the people who claim to
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Seeing Isn’t Always Believing

866) As I sat in Sunday school or vacation Bible school growing up, I’d listen to the stories of great men and women of God who appear within the pages of The Book. I’d sometimes say to myself, Well, no wonder they were followers of God; they saw great things and miracles that we don’t
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