
Modern Martyrs

817) There have been many throughout the ages who have been martyrs, those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in giving up their lives for what they believe. Many of Jesus’ closest followers were later put to death for their beliefs. Yet, when I think about this subject, I realize that not all martyrs are
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On My Word

816) I read somewhere years ago that the prudent thing to do when reciting your marriage vows is to keep your fingers crossed behind your back. I don’t think the statement was meant seriously but; it makes me think. When I was young, I had a black and white view of vows. You make them;
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Obedience and Insight

815) Proverbs 20:12 tells us that ears that hear and eyes that see are gifts from God. Ears that hear and eyes that see what? This verse could refer to physical hearing and seeing, but the original language of the Old Testament has a more specific definition. This hearing is more like obedience and this
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Looks Can Be Deceiving

811) One of my favorite quotes from Madeleine L’Engle is found within the pages of A Wrinkle in Time. It says: “We don’t understand what you mean, ‘To see’. ‘Well, it’s what things look like,’ Meg said     helplessly. ‘We do not know what things ‘look like’ as you say. We know what things are
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I Made Such a Sacrifice for You!

809) It’s so easy to decide to give up something, help someone or make admirable choices because we know it is, “more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) Yet, Proverbs 21:3 tells us that even these actions should be weighed before we do them. It tells us that even though we may think
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The Justification Trap

808) Years ago, I can remember someone describing something a family member did that hurt my friend financially. As I and another listened, I realized this action would have long-reaching consequences for her. My friend finished her venting with, “How could a family member do this?” and the other person present thought a moment and
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Handling Conflict

795) I do not handle confrontation and conflicts well with others. In fact, I would do just about anything to avoid this. This avoidance makes things easier for me in the moment but does not work well in the long-term. If I could remind myself of the wisdom found within Proverbs 15:1, perhaps I’d make
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789) Do you know someone who always seems to get away with doing underhanded things? They seem to continually “get by” with things–skirt the law, but no one ever gets away with anything. There are always consequences, even if these are not realized in the moment. Because of this, perhaps we need to be more
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Want a Less-complicated Life?

788) The act of lying has been watered down in recent years. A person can “fib” or tell a “white lie” but a lie is a lie. Proverbs 10:9 addresses the fact that a liar better have a good memory. It lets us know that by being truthful, your life will be less complicated. Less
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A Waste of Time

787) Sometimes a person has the opportunity of helping someone by making suggestions of another way of thinking or acting and, most of the time, this is when the listener asks for your input. Unfortunately, it’s rare for another to ask this of us. There are many times, however, when giving our input, thoughts, feelings,
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