
A Partial Truth is Dangerous

841) Our culture has rewritten the definition of lying and many do not realize this. We say that something is a “white lie” or “fib” when, in reality, a lie is a lie. What’s dangerous about those that lie is when they use a partial truth, they are welding a potent form of lying. Satan
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The World Does Not Revolve Around Me

840) It’s easy to think that without our presence, expertise, and contributions, the world would be in dire straits. On the one hand, God wants to use our lives and gifts for His purposes. Maybe God’s plan is for us to step back and support another who is doing a critical work for Him. John
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Smooth Talkers

839) It isn’t always easy to know these days who to trust and who not to. Jesus himself warns that there are wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15). So, knowing this is true, how does one know who to trust? The Magi in Matthew 2:1-12 were in the presence of a smooth talker–King Herod. He
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Fear and Faith

836) I have struggled with fear my entire life. When I was small, I can remember watching The Wizard of Oz and just about turning inside out. In adulthood, as I experienced the joys of life, I discovered that in this world, joy is always coupled with pain. The things that matter to us the
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When Enough is Enough

834) People are multifaceted and the capacities of the human mind are truly amazing. When we consider others around us, we often see only a handful of who each one really is, and it would be helpful to us to remember this. We may see someone who is abrupt and black and white about things
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The Movement of Time

833) Time is a funny thing. Think back to your childhood and remember how long the school year seemed. What about the day of Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Did it seem like time moved slowly? Now, as adults, time seems to pick up more speed as each year passes. This quick passing of time
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A Test

831) Sometimes in this life, we are tested. These tests come from multiple sources. They may be the test of loyalty, integrity, self-control or more. These situations call for choices to be made. Some choices are harder to make and carry out than others. In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that disturbed him.
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Peaceful Silence

828) What people say reflects who they are. It is so easy to “show” ourselves to other in what we say and much harder to bite our tongues and think before we speak. Proverbs 29:20 lets us know about the trouble with words. If we speak without thinking, there is a big opportunity to say
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His View

822) Sometimes it can seem like the “bad people” around us often get away with things, but when they don’t, how do you respond? I would be lying if I said that I don’t feel a certain satisfaction when someone who has treated me poorly gets knocked down a notch or two, but this isn’t
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Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be

Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be 820) Borrowing is addressed in the Bible. Once such example is in Proverbs 22:7, which plainly says that a borrower is a slave to the lender. Kind of a no-brainer, right? Well, I got to thinking about this and wonder could this also apply to our relationship with
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