
Before not After

853) It’s easy these days to get someone angry at you and, if not angry, irritated. Grace is sometimes hard to find among people. Isn’t it funny that we can so quickly recognize the ill-treatment others give us and not see the ill-treatment we give to others? Matthew 5:23-24 instructs us that before we come
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Some Things Never Change

852) It is very nice to read, see or hear a heartwarming story of someone who is kind to and makes things better for someone else. We all need these moments of brightness because we also live around people who are only out to make things better for themselves. Matthew 5:11-12 reminds us that there
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A Snapshot of a Nation

851) We live in a country that supposedly embraces everyone. We take pride because people can live in the U.S. and be of different races and religions. I believe these things are true, but not to the extent we would like to think. There are people who live in the U.S. who are treated poorly
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Peace Examined

850) When you hear the word peace, what do you picture? I see myself sitting on a swing on a porch in the cool of the morning. I hear birds singing and a breeze in the trees. I crave times like this, and I am reminded of the value of peace. The life we live
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Food Coloring in Water

849) When I need to illustrate to my students what kind of impact our actions have on others, I have sometimes used a bowl of water. I have the students gather around it and I take a small bottle of food coloring. I squeeze out one tiny drop into the water and as they watch,
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Mercy Examined

848) In thinking about the subject of mercy–giving something good to someone who may not deserve it, I know automatically that I should extend this to others. What is harder to focus on is the fact that mercy is extended to me, too, by God. I sometimes treat myself as if I were a dictator
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What are you Hungry For?

847) I love the holiday season, beginning with Thanksgiving and culminating in Christmas. There are many reasons for this but one of them is because I can cook some of our favorite dishes. My little dog loves the holidays, too, because he gets to “guard” the turkey in the oven as it cooks. He sits
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Who Inherits?

844) Christianity differs from every other religion. One of its distinctions is the fact that “salvation” and/or “heaven” cannot be purchased. Some may think, Come on, I don’t know of any other religion that can be purchased. Yet, this is a fact. When you have a system in place that outlines exactly what you must
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God is so Good

843) When God answers a prayer or gives us help or clear guidance, it’s easy to say, “God is so good.” But what about when God does not answer a prayer in the way we were hoping? What about when help doesn’t come in our timing? What about the situations where clear guidance is elusive?
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The Insignificant Is Significant

842) Through the years, I have realized that God loves to take the insignificant and make it significant. It might be in the tiny gift a child drops in the offering plate. It could be the elderly woman who spends much of her time praying or it could be those in every day “menial” jobs,
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