Caring for Physical Needs are Important

980) Some of us have the idea that sacrificing to God is always good, so we stay up late, studying for the Sunday school lesson we will teach. Perhaps we work hard at a church function and do not get a decent meal in. We could also serve others to the point of overlooking what
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Are Actions are Like Words

979) It is so easy in the U.S. to say whatever we want (with few exceptions). Many on Earth do not have the right to say what they think, so those of us who live here should be very grateful. But feeling grateful shouldn’t be the only thing we feel; we also need to harbor
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978) We hear a lot these days about giving yourself “a voice.” What most people mean by this is that you are advocating for yourself. This is a scary thing for those of us that are middle-aged (or more) Christians because adults taught us that much of what we do for ourselves is selfish. Can
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Can Two Years be a Waste of Time?

977) As I look back over the 57 years I’ve been on this earth, so far, it’s easy for me to conclude which of these years have been productive and which ones haven’t. For example, I spent four years in Bible college, learning how to “rightly divide the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). Did
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Can You Out-Smart God

976) I hope the title of this “minute” took you by surprise. I would too if I were to see it, but have you ever considered that many of us do this very thing regularly? How? Anytime we choose to do things opposed to God’s standards is an attempt to move God off his throne
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Citizenship is Important

975) I have had the privilege of visiting and working in ten foreign countries. Being an American citizen either improved my visit or made it worse. Some countries consider Americans as an opportunity to benefit financially. Others pondered the idea that maybe we could carry contraband into the U.S. As a teen, the adults that
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What Kind of Builder Are You?

974) Have you ever taken the time to quietly sit and reflect on what specific things build you up? As I watch others in the world and in the media, I see many answers to this question. What? You have heard no one ask this, so, therefore, how can I make this conclusion? It’s simple.
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There are no Versions of the Truth

973) We live in times when truth is frequently distorted. If you have what many call a “personal truth,” that’s all that matters. What is true for you is true for you and what is true for me is true for me, even when they contradict each other. For many, there is no consideration that
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Finishing the Race

972) Winning is the goal of many in all areas of their lives. They want to win the game, win the best contract, win over the competition and win in power and control. I’m not sure that all desires to win are bad, but have you ever considered just finishing the game, meeting your contracts,
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The Importance of Relationships

971) Teaching has changed so much over the 36 years I have been in the profession. The changes in family dynamics have contributed to this greatly. But, despite this, there are some things that have remained the same and one of them is, if I love the students and take a genuine interest in their
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