
Acknowledgment is Important

949) Deep in my quote book, where I have written many tidbits I find important or wise, there is a sentence that says that hatred isn’t as hard to deal with as apathy. Why did I find this sentence worth recording in my book? Because until that time, I thought that being hated is the
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What You Ask for and What You Get

948) There are over 100 verses in the Bible where God admonishes us to ask him for things. Matthew 7:7 says, Ask and it will be given to you. Jeremiah 33:3 says, Call unto me and I will answer you. 1 John 3:22 says, And whatever we ask, we receive from him. These verses (and
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The Fruit of Betrayal

947) Betrayal is one of the most difficult emotions to deal with. It gives a pain that is horrendous and often becomes deep-rooted. It is not something that a person can just “snap out of.” Often accompanied with betrayal is shame and fear, easily leading to anger. These situations often leave the wounded reeling. Betrayal
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Balance is Good

946) When I hear figures of speech or quotes, I often wonder where it originated. One example I heard here in Downeast Maine is, she’s tougher than a boiled owl. I immediately knew what the speaker was communicating, but I wondered about its origin. One source said that it comes from a book in 1857
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What About Him?

945) As someone who has spent the last 36 years with kids, I know them fairly well. For example, my students, even when I taught high school, will often believe anything I tell them. Because of this, it’s fun to yank their chains every once-in-a-while. If I am absent one day, when I return the
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The Ridiculous

944) I enjoy going fishing. I must admit it’s been a few years since I have been, but I enjoy it. One of my fondest memories as a child was when my grandfather took me fishing for the first time. He took a long stick, added a fishing line, bobber and hook and baited the
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Evidence within an Empty Tomb

943) What is truth? The word truth is from the middle English word treuthe which means to see true. If you look up the word on dictionary.com, you find among its definition, “The true or actual state of a matter. A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle or the like.” These definitions seem to be
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You are Not Alone

942) One of the most difficult times a person can have is when they feel all alone. That’s why in my novel, The Bottle House, I have Chaplain Miller spend so much time on the subject. He tells the group gathered that, “When a person has been badly hurt, one of the scariest things of
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Remain in My Love

941) For people of several generations, the church and Christian parents drilled into them that: 1. There are rules. 2. They are to be kept. Certainly not a bad way to live; it would help many avoid trouble in multiple ways. There is one weakness I see in this life-strategy, though. There is little room
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Motivated by Love or Fear

940) Relationships are often tricky and if we draw a line connecting any person to anyone they have a relationship with, the lines would often look like a spider’s web. We have a relationship with our spouse, our family, our friends, our bosses, our coworkers, our acquaintances with those through business contacts, with people on
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