
Thoughtful Consideration

969) Have you ever noticed that some people just want to talk, talk, and talk? There are some that talk so much (and often about themselves) that you rarely get a chance to insert what you think. People like this are frustrating and if the “talker” is of any importance, people may listen, but is
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The Value of Discernment

968) God has blessed us with the ability to feel, think, and act. These are important and when it comes to controversial things, we should also use discernment. What is discernment? It’s the ability to comprehend things that are not easily understood and to have insight into what may lie beneath the surface of people’s
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Look for Yourself

967) When you are a child, you get told what to do. It’s expected that when adults issue rules, children should obey, but what about things that are not rule-oriented? Opinions? Advice? What about these? I have heard several adults lament it didn’t occur to them until well into their 30s and 40s that their
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Sticking Up for Yourself

966) We hear and read a lot about the importance of personal boundaries. This is a difficult subject for me because I have always assumed that sticking up for myself is selfish. I believe that, depending on my motivation and words, it can be, but certain boundaries are necessary. Act 16:16-40, the local authorities drag
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Islands are Lonely

965) I have a confession to make. I hate depending on other people. It’s not that I don’t want others’ help nor that I think my way is the only way, but when I have to rely on others, they don’t always do the job I would. They aren’t always on time or they don’t
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Whose Name is on the Tag?

964) Teachers get showered with gifts at Christmas time, teacher appreciation day and sometimes the last day of school. My students come to me, often with rosy cheeks, and hold out a gift while holding their breath. Though I don’t always open them right then, depending on when it is given and what the schedule
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Deliverance from Any Prison

963) I have known someone who has worked in the prison system of a large city. He has told me, often with tears in his eyes, that there is no more demoralizing and horror-filled places than it is within these walls. This is not a place where prisoners are calmly going through their days with
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Playing Favorites

962) As a teacher of middle school, I often have kids ask me who in their class is my favorite. I always smile and say that I like everyone the same, but you and I both know that this is not the truth. We are all drawn to certain people more than others. It may
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The Gavel

961) It is so easy to see what others are doing wrong, and there are even times when we have a warped satisfaction when we see them. These thoughts are dangerous. It helps us to overlook the very things we are doing wrong ourselves. There is something else to consider that’s dangerous too. In Acts
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Active not Passive

960) There are very few times in the Bible when God does not require actions or responsibilities when he gives someone a promise. In Genesis 12, God said, Go and I will give.. (Abraham) God said, Go, for I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people out of Egypt. (Moses). The angel said,
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