

1835) I heard recently someone say, “God has everything he needs, but he wants you.” I had to listen to that several times because it made such an impression on me. 2 Timothy 1:9 tells us that God called us, not because of anything we have done for him. In fact, if you have done nothing
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Never Forgotten

1834) Dreams always make me curious; often I’ll think, where did my mind come up with that? For example, the other night I dreamed I was on the playground with my young scholars and a lion cub appeared and all the kids wanted to hold and pet it. In the dream, I next saw a
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1833) As a person who is depending more and more on words to make a living, it’s easy for me to place a lot of importance on them. Words are important for authors, but they are much easier to write than they are to live by. Matthew 5:16 reflects this thought. Here, Jesus said we are
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Daniel’s Prayer

1832) I had the privilege of attending Bible college for my undergraduate work. This included hours and hours of courses specifically about the content of the Bible, as well as education classes from a Christian perspective. I remember a class I had, Old Testament Survey, which I thought, before the course began, I would ace because
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1831) I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a meltdown, but I had one the other day. It’s not something I wish to dwell on because I’m not proud of it. When the storm subsided, I couldn’t help but focus on what a failure I am in my faith until I remembered a quote. It’s
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Knowing Me

1830) I sometimes have a hard time letting others get to know me. I think it’s because whenever I consider my actions and reactions on any day, I mostly see the way I mishandled a situation. I hear the words I have said that would have been better not to have been spoken and I
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Fruit Inspector

1829) If you say you are a follower of God, count on being in the spotlight from time to time, if not frequently. There are those, even among God’s children, who relish the idea that you make choices which contradict the Word of God. It is true, You’ll know the tree by inspecting its fruit
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Waiting is Living

1828) Because we live in a digital world, waiting has become a lost art. You don’t have to wait for much. You can send and receive messages, information, and relationships in a matter of seconds. When I think about this, a question arises within me. Is this really living? Psalm 27:14 tells us to wait for
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Shadows Examined

1827) Shadows are innocuous. They can be a relief when temperatures are soaring and you want to get out of the direct sunlight. They also have a reputation of doom when featured in literature. Let’s look a little closer. In order for a shadow to exist, there must be a light source. When light hits an
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Answered Prayer: Guaranteed

1826) When I read verses like Matthew 21:22 that promise God will give me anything I ask for by faith, I feel confused. If you look at this at face value, it must mean if I have enough faith, God will grant anything I ask for, but is this what it means? It’s not enough to
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