
Genuine Friends

1845) Friendships are difficult for my young scholars. It isn’t unusual for one to come to me each week who is distraught because of something a friend did to them. I try to help each one understand there are different types of friends and it’s important to categorize them. There are friends you see every day
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1844) When I was growing up, I always liked it when missionaries came to our church and spoke about their work. It was especially good when they brought slides to share and I could see visually what these men and women of God were doing for the Lord. I admire these people. Completely uprooting their families
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The Silent Challenge

1843) There are many “challenges” online. These types of challenges are usually something outrageous. For example, one I saw was the challenge to breathe in and/or taste cayenne pepper. Would I do this? Uh. No. On the subject of challenges, I have one for myself and it’s not outrageous but very difficult to do. It’s found
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Beware of Jealousy

1842) It’s been a long time since I was a teen, but I can remember the extremes in emotions. There is nothing more potent than loyalty, love, hate, and more at that age. Song of Solomon 8:6 informs us about two emotions, one of which some may think young people exclusively experience. They are love and
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It’s All in the Timing

1841) Growing up going to church, I have known people who have asked God for a special healing for themselves or someone they loved. I didn’t know many of these people well so I’m not sure what the outcome of their prayers were, but I know God can heal people when he is asked. But, what
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Fear Not

1840) Recently, I read the well-known verse, Isaiah 41:10. Here I am reminded not to fear because God is here, strengthening me, helping me, and upholding me, but what caught my attention this time in the verse are the first two words, “Fear not.” These two words caught my attention because I have developed a mentality
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The Measurement of Wealth

1839) It’s easy to assume that having money or things, the ability to shop for anything or travel anywhere is the key to contentment and happiness, but it’s not. If it were, there would be no unhappy rich people, but that’s not the case. If you are God’s child, you’re already wealthy. Hebrews 13:5 tells us
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Reflections of an Experienced Teacher

A Bonus Minute and a Half There are many things in my life I struggle with, but there have been two areas I feel competent in: writing and teaching. This week, however, has thrown a wrench in my feelings of competency and it has taken me totally by surprise. The first day of my 39th
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1838) My little dog Cayce and I walk regularly. I am surprised he can walk as far as we do, but he loves every step. My arches do not always enjoy every step. They ache and because of this, my doctor told me what kind of arch-support I needed to get for my shoes. These supports lift
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The Day Started Out as Normal

1836) I love to read when I have the chance and, sometimes, I just have to make time to read. There is a line I’ve read from time to time and when I have seen it, I cringe inwardly. It is simply this: The Day Started Out as Normal. Just the whisper of these six words
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