
The Value of Trust

1854) There are times when I have a heart-to-heart talk with my young scholars. One of the subjects we discuss is the issue of trust. I try to help them understand, as much as young children can, that trust is a valuable thing. I tell my students once you lose someone’s trust it is very
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Lost Time

1853) Al Steward sings a song entitled, Time Passages and, being a wordsmith, I pay attention to the lyrics. These lines catch my attention: Well, I’m not the kind to live in the past.The years run too short and the days too fast.The things you lean on are the things that don’t last.Well, it’s just now
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Understanding Safe

1852) Winter in Maine is beautiful, and yet, difficult. You need to be prepared because a storm can put everything at a standstill for a few hours. There is one thing about winters in Maine that is a source of anxiety in my little dog. When the snow plow guy comes, Cayce gets very agitated. It
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The Source

1851) The other day, something happened, and it left me very irritated. Unfortunately, my irritation flew out of my mouth at the closest target, which was my husband. Fortunately, my husband is one who doesn’t react this way, and he asked me a question that has stayed with me. He asked, are you really upset about
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Peaceful Confirmation

1849) There have been many times when I have faced a decision and I wasn’t sure what I needed to do. In such times, I’ve learned to rely on John 14:27. Here Jesus promises peace. There is a peace that fills your soul when you ask God to direct and you decide to follow his lead.
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Look for Yourself

1850) I was watching an interview the other day, and those involved in the discussion were saying how important it is to not elevate one person above others, especially when that person does not have accountability, like a board of directors. In my observations through the years, I agree. Acts 17:11 emphasizes the importance of examining
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What Peace Demands

1848) When we read verses like John 16:33, it may be easy just to read on through to the next chapter of John. Perhaps it’s because it’s hard to reconcile what Jesus said with what we see and experience. John 16:33 says, (NLT) I have told you these things, so that in me you may have
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From Death to Life

1847) There are times in our lives when circumstances of this world overwhelm us. These things can knock us off our feet and Satan considers this a time to come and strike. He says things like, where is your God? Where is your faith? In our vulnerability, we may hear Satan’s words more clearly. When our
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1846) Speak up! What did you say? Please repeat that. These are things we might say in conversation on any day. We must communicate so we can function in the best way. When communicating, we need to remember Proverbs 18:21. It reads that the power of the tongue brings both death and life. Think back to
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Genuine Friends

1845) Friendships are difficult for my young scholars. It isn’t unusual for one to come to me each week who is distraught because of something a friend did to them. I try to help each one understand there are different types of friends and it’s important to categorize them. There are friends you see every day
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