
Getting Advice

1865) There are times in this life when we need to have input from others. This is a tricky thing because what Saul Bellow said is true. “When we ask for advice, we are usually looking for an accomplice.” It is tempting to seek out those who will agree with us on a particular issue.
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All I need

1863) There is a great promise God gives us in Philippians 4:19. Here, he tells us he will supply everything we need at all times. These needs are anything we need to exist on this earth. The difficulty of this verse is buried a little deeper. It is the fact that God always acts in our
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Complaining is Tiring

1862) There are some days when my young scholars tire me out. There is so much going on during the day, I’m not surprised. There is one thing in particular that can tire me out quickly and that is hearing complaints. When the kids (or even adults) complain, it is a form of criticism. If you
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Be Merciful

1861) Being merciful isn’t easy. The definition of the word itself, explains why. To be merciful means to not dish out the punishment or reaction another deserves. Jude 1:22 tells us to be merciful to those who doubt the reality of man’s separation from God and the gift of salvation God gives because of the crucifixion
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Sword Fighting

1860) I have never seen a sword fight, especially when one person pierces another, but I have seen a dart get thrown and pierce a playmate’s back. It’s a harsh scene, even in my mind 50 years later. In picturing this, I understand Proverbs 12:18 better. It tells us rash words are like sword thrusts and
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A Heavy Burden

1859) As God’s children, we are in full-time ministry. We are called to bear with one another in love, Ephesians 4:2. This word, bear, in the Greek is anechó, which means to hold up or suffer with another. This holding up or suffering is a heavy burden because to do so, it’s almost as if you’re
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I Want to Hold Your Hand

1858) There was a time once when I was overwhelmed with the grief of a circumstance that was highly painful.  The person who came to help me said nothing; they just held my hand and didn’t let go. Though I have never been a touchy feely kind of person, this act of compassion helped me calm
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The Comfort of Always

1857) If you ever dare to spend time with tweens, you’ll be put before the bar of judgement on much that you say.  If you tell them, “If you don’t have your homework done, you’ll be in at study hall to get it done.” Then the day came when I find out one of my young scholars
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Do you see ghosts? Yes, my question needs an explanation. The ghosts I’m referring to are the images and thoughts I have about my past decisions and deeds that were not good. My ghost shows up when I make a mistake or don’t hold my tongue. They are real quick to condemn me over and
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Doing, Loving and Walking

1855) Sometimes it’s easy to make Christianity complicated. So many rules, principles and admonition but it’s really not complicated. Micah 6:8 boils down what our God requires of us.  We are to do, love and walk. Huh? The Old Testament Prophet tells us what we are to do: Do justice to all we are associated. Love
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