
Loving Is an Act of Worship

616) I remember the months before I was married. That feeling of joy was all-encompassing. I smile when I think about it because the love I have now for my husband is so much deeper. Love is thrown around a lot. It’s easy to make an event over a marriage proposal but not so easy
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The Choice of Courage

574) There are some who think that courage is something you foster, giving you a surge of feeling invincible. The good news is, courage is not a feeling. The bad news is, courage is not a feeling. Joshua 1:9 reminds us that no matter what we feel, making the choice to act in a courageous
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Turn Away

434) Sometimes we get the idea that favorite Bible characters didn’ t have to fight temptations or making bad choices. This isn’t so – even Jesus was templated and by Satan himself. Job is called righteous in part because he made the choice to turn away from wrong. This turning is a choice. To not
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416) Life is full of choices; some more important than others. God offers us a choice between life and death; living with Him or eternal separation from Him. This choice must be made individually. Because of Jesus’ death, we can choose life. Not making a choice is making a choice. Deuteronomy 30:19  
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Knowing Right From Wrong

273)  If you have ever wondered what exactly is sin, James 4:17 gives us an answer. If you know something is wrong but you do it anyway, it is sin. No excuses; no “I tried not to”; no blame. If you know what is right, make the choice to act accordingly.
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