Garbage Out – The Role Model Award

1072) My career in education has had many twists and turns. There have been many wonderful things that have happened and some that were not. There are things my students have said throughout the years I’ll never forget, and there have been many special things that happened that I will cherish. One of these things
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Garbage Out – Forgiveness In

1071) Have you ever considered the fact there are some emotions you can’t just conjure up and experience? You can’t just decide you feel that loving feeling people do when they first find their lives wrapped up in the beginning joy of a romantic relationship. Oh, wouldn’t it be nice though? What about peace? Can
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Garbage Out – Compassion In

1070) Some of the most beautiful moments in my life have been embedded within the worst pain I have experienced. There was one occasion when my heart felt like it was being ripped apart. The pain was so bad that I literally hopped on one foot in response, similar to how someone might who just
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Garbage Out – Kindness In

1069) I have several bad habits I wish to overcome. I have heard if you truly want to change a habit, you must replace it with something else–hopefully good. As we have been considering the “garbage” we must get rid of in Ephesians 4:31, we need to replace it with other things. We find these
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Spiritual Garbage – Part 6 – Malice

1068) Humans are complex; we can have multiple reasons for the choices we make and they can be so intertwined that it’s hard to see what is cause and what is effect. One of these complicated choices involves malice or, perhaps more clearly, defined as spite or holding a grudge. Fortunately for me, I do
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Spiritual Garbage – Part 4 – Brawling

1066) I’m sure that marriage must have been an eye-opener for my husband, having not grown up with sisters. Times when I would just burst into tears for no apparent reason were a total mystery to him. There have been many other things that have left him just as perplexed. For example, I have tried
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Spiritual Garbage – Part 3 – Anger

1065) I’ve written about anger before, but it is a subject that is good to examine many times because there’s not a person who hasn’t had the “experience” that anger brings. Looking at the Greek and Latin origins of this word, the meaning used in Ephesians 4:31 describes an emotion that is driven onward; it
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Spiritual Garbage – Part 2 – Rage

1064) My husband and I like to watch bull riding from time to time. It makes an impression on me because I can see how ticked off those bulls are and I wouldn’t dare go near them. When I taught high school, I had some students that asked me to come watch them ride them,
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Spiritual Garbage: Part 1 – Bitterness

1063) There are some people that just are not pleasant to be around. I suppose we are all like this from time to time, but bitter people are especially obnoxious. Some bitter people that I have encountered are individuals who feel that life, people, or circumstances have wronged them. Out of the well of their
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That’s Rotten

1062) One of my least favorite jobs around the house is cleaning out the refrigerator. I hate it because I’ll reach for containers on the backs of each shelf that have been there a while, and the food they hold will be moldy. Taking them out and disposing of the rotten food is disgusting to
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