
Clay is Fragile

1026) When I was in high school, one of my favorite classes was art. Our teacher was definitely an outside-the-box person, and that’s why I liked him. In my senior year, we did a unit on working with clay. I don’t remember what we made with it, but I remember that he had a 5-gallon
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A Twisted Gift

1025) Let’s get real today. This life is full of difficulties, heartache and trials and because of that, we often seek to be comforted. Nothing wrong with that, but have you considered how many people try to get comfort? Alcohol? Drugs? Food? Gossip? Distractions? These things and more are the fruit of Satan taking a
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Active Versus Passive

1024) As a lover of words, when I consider “active” and “passive,” I have the urge to look them up. The word “active” comes from the Latin word, “activus” which means preferring action to contemplation. The word “passive” comes from the Latin word passivus  meaning to suffer. In 1 Corinthians 16:13, Paul instructs the church
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Labor Contracts

1023) When I was young, my mother would sometimes put a list on the refrigerator of all that we needed to do before we could go out and play. These weren’t laborious but, as kids, we thought they were. When we were “done” in our eyes, my mother would look over the jobs and declare
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Bad Company

1022) As a teacher of middle school kids, a large part of my job is to prepare the kids for the “next level” in life. Yes, that’s academically but often it means things in the subject of “life lessons.” One of these life lessons I try to teach my kids is that they need to
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How Long Do You Have to Pay?

1021) Today’s “minute” poses a question I really need to understand the answer, and I figured, maybe others of you need to understand this, too. The question is: How Long Do You Have to Pay? For all the things you and I have done that were wrong, how long do we need to beat up
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It’s Worth Everything You Put In

1020) Love is a wonderful and tragic thing. On one side of the “coin”, there is joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and more, but the other side holds pain, sometime excruciating pain–at least in this life. As much as I would love to avoid pain, love and pain coexist on this earth and the pain
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What Works?

1019) There are thoughts I have from time to time that I would hesitate to speak about because of what people may think. One of them is that if God loves everyone, then what makes me important to him? Or If I am suffering over something, does this mean that it doesn’t “count” because there
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Gifts with Your Name on Them

1018) Do you remember Christmases from your childhood? How did your family distribute and open gifts? Did everyone just go right to it, grabbing these packages with their name on them and opening them immediately, or was it more structured? After the gifts were opened, did everyone look at what the others received? Was there
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The Lone Wolf Myth

1017) Here in Maine it is often said that there are only three seasons: winter, summer and mud season. If you live anywhere with snow and ice that accumulate during the winter, when these thaw, the ground becomes mushy and mud covers anything that travels through it. Therefore, my classroom floor is often coated with
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