
Love and Pain

845) Pain is a reality of life on this earth and the greater you love, the bigger the pain. For example, you have a pet that you love and when you lose it; the pain is huge. Many of us spend way too much time trying to avoid pain, but in doing so, you squelch
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Who Inherits?

844) Christianity differs from every other religion. One of its distinctions is the fact that “salvation” and/or “heaven” cannot be purchased. Some may think, Come on, I don’t know of any other religion that can be purchased. Yet, this is a fact. When you have a system in place that outlines exactly what you must
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God is so Good

843) When God answers a prayer or gives us help or clear guidance, it’s easy to say, “God is so good.” But what about when God does not answer a prayer in the way we were hoping? What about when help doesn’t come in our timing? What about the situations where clear guidance is elusive?
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The World Does Not Revolve Around Me

840) It’s easy to think that without our presence, expertise, and contributions, the world would be in dire straits. On the one hand, God wants to use our lives and gifts for His purposes. Maybe God’s plan is for us to step back and support another who is doing a critical work for Him. John
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Role Play

819) Whenever we ask God for direction, strength or guidance, we always have a role to play. This role might include being faithful or grateful. Yet Proverbs 21:31 makes it clear to us that even though there are battles God will win for us, he expects us to “ready our horses” for battle. Often, our
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I See You

772) Sometimes when I read the Bible, I get confused. On the one hand, God says in Psalm 34:15 that His eyes are on the righteous. What confuses me is that I know God watches over everyone, even those who are not His. Is this a contradiction? No, I don’t think so. As a classroom
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In Consideration of an Evening Sky

754) In my adulthood, I found that I have a talent for taking pictures. When I have time, I love getting in some shots of my pond, my brook, the ocean nearby and my sweet little dog. If I checked, I bet I have a thousand photos. Of all the things I take pictures of,
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The Foundation of Faith

752) Those who are mature know that love is not solely a feeling. Yes, in the beginning, our senses overflow with euphoria but when it comes down to it, love is anything but. It is acceptance, hard work, giving, forgiving, being patient, kind and more. Faith is similar because it is not built on a
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Indirect Blame

748) There are so many ways to deflect blame away from ourselves. We know that life in this world holds many bad things and when these things happen, we can cast blame in many directions. One way is subtle. When something wonderful has happened we might say, “So and so happened. God is good.” But
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Life Lessons

746) There are many things about how life works that can surprise a young person who is moving into adulthood. These may include, you don’t get something from nothing or the euphoria of love will not be a constant in the best of marriages. There is a third important lesson that sometimes we adults forget
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