Down or Up?

1534) Many years ago, we had a special 2-day “workshop” for all our students at the high school where I taught. There were many things about it that were very good and one comes to mind as I read 1 Corinthians 15:33. “Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts
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Assumptions Are Often Wrong

594) I have been married 35 years and I would say my husband and I know each other well. Yet, even after all this time, we make assumptions about each other that are often wrong. Assumptions are like guessing another’s motives. We cannot possibly know exactly what others think and why. 1 Kings 8:39 tells
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Be Careful What You Ask For

591) As an adult, I look back on things I asked God for when I was young and for many of them, I’m so glad He did not give them to me. There are some times in life when the only way someone can learn a lesson is if God does give him/her the very
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I Give Up!

583) I have learned that whatever I value the most, can bring the most pain in this life.  My husband, my family, my friends, my dog; all of these are very important to me and when “life” threatens them, I tend to hang on to them tighter. Abraham knew better than to hang onto these
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Bear with Me

566) Sometimes it’s easier to just make the best of life on our own. For me, it’s really because I don’t want to bother others. But we aren’t meant to make it through life on our own. Galatians 6:2 instructs us to share or carry each other’s burdens. If all of us shared or helped,
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Well Rested

550)  When you hear the word rest, it’s easy to consider only the condition of our bodies. What if resting is an emotional, spiritual and intellectual condition, as well? Joshua 1:15 tells us that God is the source of rest; all kinds of rest. To wake up well-rested in all these areas is a gift
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The Value of Peace

514) I have found when I have  to talk myself into something, it’s generally not a great idea. Philippians 4:7 tells us there is an even better rule of thumb: if you have peace about a decision, it’s a good indication that it’s endorsed by God. Peace!
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Contentment Is Misunderstood

512) Contentment is a misunderstood word. The word contentment as used in Philippians 4:11, means to recognize what is “enough.” God promises His children that He will provide for their needs but He does not promise to provide for every want. Contentment means we can sit back and say, “I’ve got enough” and mean it.
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504) I was told by an authority of the U.S. Mint that when they train employees to recognize counterfeit money, they spend their time in training studying bills that are not counterfeit. They do this so when the employee handles a counterfeit bill, he/she knows it immediately. This is because he/she is so immersed in
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Pull Up or Pull Down

499) Which is easier, to pull something up or to pull something down? Of course the answer is the latter. The same principle applies to those whose actions are beneath your moral standards. Be choosy who you spend a lot of time with. It’s easier to be pulled down.  2 Corinthians 6:14
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