The Teachings of Jesus Bundle
Introduction to the Bundle:
The teachings of Jesus are vitally important. He communicates truths that people still recognize as profound, even centuries later.
The Biblical truths found within the parables and the Sermon on the Mount of foundation stops to the Christian faith.
In this bundle, you will receive:
I Introduction: 5 of Jesus’ Parables
Everyone loves a good story and, as a writer, I use them to help my readers understand the points I’m trying to make.
Jesus, too, used stories to illustrate the main points he was making, and he did it so successfully, these stories are well-known today, even by people who are not biblically literate. The Good Samaritan is such an example. These types of stories Jesus used are called parables.
Because parables are such an effective tool in studying biblical truths, people often use them in Bible studies, classes, and even personal devotions. It is vitally important, however, to understand what makes a story a parable and it is with this knowledge that you can rightly divide the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15)
In this download, you will receive an introduction to parables, what they are and what they aren’t, and an in-depth study of 5 parables of Jesus: The Sower, The Good Samaritan, The Rich Fool, The Rich Man & Lazarus and The Unmerciful Servant. After the filled in handouts, you will also receive blank copies so your Sunday school or Bible class, Bible study or small groups can fill them in as the lessons progress.
I Introduction: The Sermon on the Mount:
In order to use this study guide to its fullest, you will want to have these teacher notes handy. I will give lesson plans and ideas here and then, I will include two sets of
worksheets, completed and blank (without study notes in both the King James Version – KJV and the New Living Version – NLV where needed) for your use. When I have taught the Sermon on the Mount, I have given the class my incomplete sheets and they have filled them in as we went. It is also helpful to use an LCD projector/Apple TV to aid in note taking. I taught this unit to high school students but most of the illustrations, etc. could be used on the adult level, as well.
The Sermon on the Mount:
Introduction: As I was going through Matthew 5-7 and making notes of Jesus’ words in these chapters, it seemed that there is a key theme that is clearly illustrated in this important sermon. The verse from I Samuel 16:7 kept coming to mind, “…. For the Lord does not look at the things man looks at. A man looks at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (NLV)
To introduce the sermon to my classes, I would start off by showing bits of advertising (either still pictures or videos) and ask them what the advertisers are placing so much value on. Lead your group to the fact that much of our culture is obsessed with our outward appearances. Transition to the verse, I Sam. 16:7 and discuss what God values. Explain to the group that the entire Sermon on the Mount carries this theme and challenge them to look for this during each segment of Matthew 5-7.


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Author 04 Published Books

Susan Grant has been teaching children on multiage levels since 1986. Her first novel, The Bottle House was published in 2021. She has also published two devotion books, 100 Minutes with God and 100 More Minutes with God. The Boone Tails series are her debut children’s books following the adventures of a little red dachshund named Boone. Susan lives with her husband and little dachshund on the coast of Maine.


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